Trips & meetings

Rainbow Skifield, January 2023, Anthony Wright

Field trips

Field trips are held on the third Sunday of every month throughout the year. Trips may be rescheduled if the weather on the day is not suitable. The committee puts together the programme of trips, and committee members and others are responsible for organising and leading each trip. We welcome suggestions from members about places you’d like to visit. Please send your ideas to

Information on trips and organiser contact details are given in the monthly email newsletter. Please let the organiser know if you intend to come no later than the end of the Thursday before so we can send time and meeting information, arrange car pooling, and notify cancellations or changes. Passengers are expected to pay 15 cents per kilometre to the driver.

Field trips last a full day, so you’ll need to bring lunch and snacks, and also appropriate footwear and clothing.

Although the society does have a permit to collect small samples for identification purposes on Department of Conservation land, it is not permitted to collect seed or cuttings for private use or to hand on to other parties. On private land, we should only collect material if we have the permission of the landowner.


Meetings with speakers are held from April to September on the Monday following the field trip. They start at 7.30 pm and the venue is the Jaycee Room at Founders Park. Speakers will usually talk for about an hour and there will be time for questions. Tea and coffee are served after, and there is a sales table.
Click here for a map of Founders Park


Over some major holiday weekends and at other times, two- to three-day camps are held at a variety of locations, sometimes in conjunction with other botanical societies. Advance notice and details of these will be in the monthly newsletter and on the website.

"My first Nelson Botanical Society field trip was an amazing experience for me!

There were about 30 of us, ranging from top botanists and ecologists with decades of local experience, newbies (like myself), PhD students and experienced amateurs.

This was a very seriously cool, friendly, inclusive and supportive group.  I was given plant lists to help me prepare for the trips, about 80% of the plants on the list I knew quite well from the Karamea area, a few I had never heard of (that's normal for me) and there were a few that are found only on the mountain that we visited.  The local endemics (only found there) were really quite unusual but in familiar families to me, but really were quite different and I would not have been able to work out what they were without expert guidance.

I totally recommend joining the Nelson Botanical Society, I've learned heaps and got even more fired up to crawl around in the mud and moss to learn more bits and pieces of the remarkable story of the life in our part of the world." (Cliff)

Forthcoming trips, camps & speakers

Details of trips and camps will be advised in the monthly ’What’s on?’, which is emailed to Botanical Society members in the first week of the month, and on this website closer to the time. Non-members and prospective members are welcome but please email for details.

Monday 22 April
7.30 pm, Jaycee Room, Founders Park

Talk: Changing perspectives with photography
Speaker: Andy MacDonald

A one-time member of the Nelson Botanical Society, Andy is a photographer and filmmaker now based in Wellington. With over 15 years' experience, he's developed a style that, among other things,  showcases the beauty of our wildest places and unique natural history.

 In 2022 he was named Photographer of the Year in the New Zealand Geographic awards.

 Andy will talk about the evolution of his photography from underwater camera to digital, smartphone and drone, and offer insights into how he manages to get great images in sometimes difficult situations.